Developmental Therapists work with families to help their child acquire skills in a variety of developmental areas. DTs work in conjunction with other therapists to develop a coordinated approach to implementing strategies to achieve outcomes detailed on the child’s IFSP. Although DTs consider all areas of development in creating treatment protocols, they are primarily focused on social interaction, self-help and attention skills as well as cognitive function/play skills. Family participation is essential for helping them learn how to best support their child within the routines of their daily life.
Developmental Therapists can help in the following areas:
Focus to stay on task or follow directions
Use of picture exchange or sign language for children with limited expressive language
Toy play – developing age-appropriate play skills with toys
Dressing and feeding competency
Social skills within the context of family or child care
Manipulation skills related to toy use
Parent education related to understanding the special needs of their child and home program